A new chapter: re-claiming wellness, together.

The Global Wellness Institute survey showed that people value wellness more than ever, yet they simultaneously feel less well than ever. It’s not surprising given that we’ve been sheltering from the pandemic and putting our own needs on hold.

Wellness is not a static state. It's the active pursuit of holistic health, spanning physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, and environmental dimensions.

For those of you who are finding your way back to wellness, BODY is here for you. We’ve been growing our team and adding appointments and classes to meet the requests of our community. We’ve also introduced community events, including “Dance Medicine” on Friday nights, a cathartic way to kick off your weekend.

While beauty magazines once sold self-care as the occasional bubble bath or annual spa day on vacation, we now see self-care for what it is: a necessary part of our routines to repair, re-claim, and rejuvenate after this period of unprecedented stress and isolation.

"The multitude of stressors unleashed by the pandemic have brought a profound shift in how we view self-care. Now, self-care is becoming a means for self-preservation and survival...Wellness is no longer something that we do for an hour a day, a few times a month, or only when we are on vacation; it is an essential focus to be embedded in our daily lives and priorities."—Global Wellness Institute

If your wellness routine involves massage, yoga, body work, or skincare, we are here for you. If it involves feeling your best in a new outfit with the reassurance that it was responsibly sourced, we are here for you. If your most basic self-care need is connection, we’ll offer you a warm welcome when you drop in to say hello.

Like the people within in, BODY is emerging from this hibernation energized to radiate wellness. Thanks for being a part of our community and forging into the next chapter, together.


With Joy,
Lori Parrish
Founder & Owner of BODY


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