Living Lightly: How a Lean Closet Can Transform Your Life

In a world full of distractions and excess, there is something freeing about embracing minimalism, particularly in your closet. A lean closet isn't just about decluttering; it's a gateway to simplifying your life and discovering spillover benefits that extend beyond your wardrobe.

Picture this: You wake up in the morning, and instead of battling a chaotic closet overcrowded with mediocre clothing, you are greeted with a curated collection of exchangeable basics, each piece thoughtfully chosen for versatility and longevity. Think ethical brands that prioritize craftsmanship, like Beaumont Organics for timeless basics, Yoga Jeans for versatile pants, and Rita Row for sustainable elegance. Find these brands and other essentials for a capsule wardrobe at the Boutique at BODY in Santa Fe, where fewer, better things reign supreme.

The benefits of this simplified approach radiate outwards. Mornings become moments of ease, allowing you to focus on what truly matters. By resisting the allure of fast fashion and investing in quality pieces, you're contributing to a more sustainable future. Each carefully selected item becomes a conscious statement against the culture of overconsumption.

Ready to join the lean-closet movement? Here are three steps to get started.

Step 1: Assess and Declutter

It’s Marie Kondo time (the queen of tidying up)! Clearing out the clutter creates space for intentional choices. Take a deep dive into your current wardrobe and assess each item with a critical eye and ask yourself, "Does this piece align with my current personal style and values? Does it fit my current body well?” If the answer is no or if it hasn't been worn in a long time, let it go. Marie Kondo suggests thanking each item before setting it free (in a donation pile). This can be a challenging process! If you need help, ask the team at BODY to help with your wardrobe reset.

Step 2: Define Your Capsule Wardrobe

Now that you've decluttered, it's time to create the building blocks for your capsule wardrobe. Identify your existing everyday essentials and versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched effortlessly. Aim for a cohesive color palette that compliments your style, making outfit combinations seamless. Key items may include a classic button up shirt, soft plain t-shirts and tanks, a well-fitted pair of jeans, a timeless blazer, a knit cardigan and/or jean jacket, comfortable leggings, and a versatile dress. These foundational pieces will form the backbone of your lean closet.

Step 3: Invest in Quality and Sustainability

Living lightly is not about deprivation; it's about choosing intentionality over excess. Prioritize quality over quantity, allowing each item room to breathe in your closet. Look for sustainable brands that align with your values and avoid trends that are likely to fade. By opting for fewer, better items, you not only support the environment but also ensure your closet is filled with pieces you truly cherish.

Investing in quality pieces was the hardest part of this process for me. Scratch that, wearing the investment pieces was the hard part. Each morning as I confronted my closet, I felt like I should save my “nice clothes” for something important; that today wasn’t worthy of looking and feeling my best. By not feeling worthy of my wardrobe, I was signaling to my psyche that this day does not count.

Allow each day to count. Make an investment not only in a lean-wardrobe, but also in yourself. 


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