Unveiling Ashtanga: A challenging moving meditation
Yoga, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Yoga class, Studio Lori Parrish Yoga, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Yoga class, Studio Lori Parrish

Unveiling Ashtanga: A challenging moving meditation

Ashtanga, known for its demanding and traditional style, integrates breath, movement, and mindfulness through a challenging sequence of poses performed in a specific order. This disciplined practice, characterized by a fixed order and specified breathing rhythm, not only strengthens and shapes the body but also influenced various styles like hot yoga, vinyasa, and power yoga.

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Finding the heat when your yoga instructor doesn’t deliver
Lori Parrish Lori Parrish

Finding the heat when your yoga instructor doesn’t deliver

Austin Barry looks forward to the heat and sweat of an intensive vinyasa class. But what happens when her yoga instructor delivers tortoise instead of hare? This poetic article journeys through a reframing of that moment of disappointment and an understanding of the toolkit we always have in our possession.

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Three yoga poses for lower back pain
Lori Parrish Lori Parrish

Three yoga poses for lower back pain

Some of the yoga asanas best suited for relieving lumbar spinal discomfort are also amongst the most accessible. Now let's start soothing those spines!

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